l’Atelier — Cook­ing work­shop

Mor­ro­can cook­ing work­shop - Essaouira

La gazette de l’Atelier


Pri­vate events /​Team building

Enjoy the pro­fes­sional infra­struc­tures of our cook­ing work­shop and the knowl­edge of our chefs to orga­nize your own events at l’Atelier Madada. Tell us about your envy or your project and we will offer you a per­son­al­ized ser­vice: sem­i­nars, pri­vate cook­ing classes, table d’hôte…

Besides, our cook­ing or pas­try work­shops con­sti­tute some inno­v­a­tive and trendy “team build­ing” activ­i­ties which allow devel­op­ing, in cheer­ful­ness, team­work capac­i­ties. Accus­tomed to this type of ser­vice we can cre­ate for our busi­ness clients custom-​made events gath­er­ing a large num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: trea­sure hunt on a culi­nary theme, cook­ing com­pe­ti­tion, food or wine tasting …

Price: on request

l’Atelier Madada - Rue Mohamed Ben Mes­saoud — Tel : +212 7 00 18 90 17
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